Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Your Rule Five Dentist of the Day

I can remember when they just gave you a lollipop!

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Dr. Klarkowski and staff

Dr Marie-Catherine Klarkowski said: ‘The most important thing is to take away patients’ fear. The sight of cleavages gets patients narcotised and distracted from the pain rather quickly.

‘Some patients’ mouths are already wide open on entering the practice.’

It is unclear if the patients feel less pain but the number of clients going to the Relax & Smile practice in Munich has risen by a third since the change. Yes, they are all men.

Dr Klarkowski came up with the fleshy idea at an Oktoberfest event after seeing how men ogled waitresses in their traditionally revealing ‘dirndl’ outfits.

"Open wide...your mouth, not your eyes!"

The change has also seen the practice turned into an ‘Alpine lounge’ with open fireplace, deer antlers on the wall and wooden benches for patients.

‘The competition doesn’t sleep. I know colleagues who have decorated their whole practice with Mickey Mouse and one even in Star Trek style,’ added the 41-year-old. And the nurses say the £430 costumes do it for them, too.

£430? That's $680 American. As the Texas oil man said, "Go ahead and drill doc, I'm feeling lucky!"

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H/T Memeorandum

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