This is such a strange story:
When I first saw this story I thought that it had to do with narco-terrorism and Obama's 'friends' to the south. I also considered the Fatwa factor, too. Of course seeing how small of a thread at Memeorandum this story is commanding would cancel out that.A Southwest Airlines employee called police after finding human heads in a package set to be transported to a Fort Worth medical research company, the airline said.
The heads were being transported to the Fort Worth office of Medtronic, a leading medical research and technology company based in Minnesota.
Medtronic spokesman Brian Henry said it is common to ship body parts for medical education and research, but he said it is rare for a shipment to be seized.
“We expect our suppliers to follow proper procedures,” he said.
Camper described the items as 40 to 60 human heads.
But Henry said they were “four full cranial specimens and 40 pairs of temporal bone ear blocks.”
He identified the supplier as JLS Consulting of Wynne, Ark.
JLS’s business license was revoked in December, according to the Arkansas Secretary of State’s online database.
How would you like to have been the Southwest employee that made this bone-chilling discovery? It makes one's head spin to think of it.
Does anyone think that heads will roll over this incident?
Bonus: Name this movie and the ultimate demise of this actor, who is the protagonist in the movie:

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