Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Orator Has No Clothes, or...

The Emperor has no Teleprompter.

Starting about :35, listen to how President Obama, first and foremost takes credit personally for any budget deal, but note also the way he says it.

There is this meme out there that Obama is some silver tongued orator, as the saying goes, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth! But, the reality is far different. Here he has only a handful of lines to say. Basically, it's "Welcome to Washington. This place is open today thanks to me. Y'all have a nice visit."

Listen to the video how many pauses there are in those few lines and how he seems to stumble and struggle for just the right word, only to produce a very pedestrian effort.

"I just wanted to say... (cheering) I-I-I-I just want to say real quick, that because Congress was able to settle its differences, that's why this place is open today and everybody is able to enjoy their visit. And, and that's the kinda...(pause) future cooperation I hope we have going forward, 'cause this is what America is all about. Everybody from different places enjoying those things that bind us together. Now, it's wonderful to spend time with you guys. I hope you have a great time.

Where's the great oratorical ability? He may be an excellent reader, but he is hardly a forceful speaker off 'prompter. Here's what an amateur wordsmith (and greater orator) could have printed on a 3 x 5 card for him to memorize on the way over from the White House:

"I just wanted to say quickly, that because Congress was able to settle their differences, that's why this place is open today, and everyone is able to enjoy their visit. And, and that's the kind of future cooperation I hope we must have going forward, because this is what America is all about: Americans together enjoying those things that bind us together. Now, It's been wonderful spending a little time with you guys. I hope you have a great time.

I leave it to you, dear reader: From the standpoint of oratory, which is better? Rather than fawn over some imaginary oratorical prowess of Obama's, I would rather the MSM concentrate on the meaning of his messages and his policies and their real world results, and leave the fawning to his entourage.

As far as a great speech? The greeters at most Wal-Marts could do better.

More at Washington Wire, Memeorandum

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