Monday, August 15, 2011

Sure Hope Obama Remembers Teleprompter Bus Tour

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A number of people have tried to come up with a name for Obama's three day, campaign bus tour. Having heard a couple of clips of the president stammering and stuttering with his off 'prompter comments, I suggest the following:

Sure Hope Obama Remembers Teleprompter Bus Tour

Remember back in April when the administration ordered these buses? It looks like the primary (pun intended) purpose of this multimillion dollar fleet of buses is campaigning. Now, I have no problem in wanting the President or any major candidate to be safe from the crazies, but in times of soaring deficits, is there no other means of transportation the president could use that didn't constitute a multimillion dollar photo op?

If they are going to be used primarily for campaigning, they should be paid for by the campaigns, not the taxpayer.

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