Usually they're anonymous and veiled in the secrecy and twilight darkness of pre-dawn hours. They come, they clothe the Kook, and it's not until 6 A.M. or so that we know just what shape he will take.
Christmas Santa, paper-mache shark-food guy, hippie-surfer dude, sombrero-donning Mexican, Royal Wedding, New Ager, anti-surveillance, civil libertarian... the many alter egos that the Cardiff Kook assumes goes on and on.
Hand crafted by Encinitas surfer and teacher, Matthew Antichevich, the 16-foot-tall "Cardiff Kook" bronze statue has been a constant source of San Diego amusement.
No one really knows just where the Kook will go, case in point yesterday -- Osama bin Cardiff Kook:
Local lefties are outraged that the Cardiff Kook took on the Osama look, donning a beard, well-placed bullet head wound, signature AK-47 and Muslim garb -- on Mother's Day, no less!
It never ceases to amaze me how far in the depths of absurdity that liberals wallow in terminally misplaced sympathy. Laugh along, guys, it's good for the heart. And yes, it's a good thing to find humor in Osama's death. We deserve a good laugh at his fish-food-status expense.
Photo credit: Encinitas Patch.
Cross posted to LCR.
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