Friday, July 15, 2011

Sheila Jackson Lee's Insanity on Parade

Somehow, when you think "Texas politics", this is the last thing that comes to your mind!

Around :26, "Only this president" (which she babbles several times, so it must be true!) , only Obama has the "attacks, disagreements and inability to work with him" (because we all know how those Democrats bent over backwards to please and agree with George Bush and make his agenda come true!)
Obama doesn't get the "same kind of respectful treatment" (As George Bush? Stop laughing!)
Around one minute, she talks about "something required by statute". You mean like the budget the House was supposed to pass no later than last October, when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the White House? Please, Ms. Jackson Lee! Link me to your outrage over not fulfilling your obligations required by statute then! (I won't hold my breath!)

At 1:09, she talks about a "fact", but doesn't say what planet it is a fact on:
"The Republicans are having their way gutting and cutting everything we can find"
What exactly have the Republicans "gotten their way" on? A balanced budget amendment? Substantial cuts in spending? An agreement from Obama and Reid not to raise taxes in a recession? Take your meds, Sheila! (And no, I'm not disrespecting you because you're black, Ms. Jackson Lee. I'm disrespecting you because you're nuts!)

"Gutting and cutting"? I haven't heard of a single line item in the billions of dollars in the federal budget (other than the military) that Democrats are willing to cut! Maybe if you had done your Constitutional duty in 2010, Ms. Jackson Lee, and passed a budget, even an unbalanced one, we'd know what programs you are willing to pare back to keep the country solvent?

The last twenty seconds are filled with race baiting, as if Obama were being singled out for being black, when in reality (a place Ms. Jackson Lee cannot visit without a visa) he is being singled out for taking an economy that had been driven into a ditch and driving it over a cliff.

Cross posted at LCR, Say Anything.

More here, and Memeorandum

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